Reunion 2006, Key West, Florida, took us “Back to Our Roots”. We welcomed a number of new members from Army, Air Force and Marines. Total membership has reached 204. |
We had a great tour at the Special Forces Underwater Operations School on Fleming Key with a presentation from Maj. William Herbert FO/UWSS member, Earle Petty, one of the first group of instructors at the school, was invited to sign the old timers wall. |
Muster at the Sunset Lounge featured .... the sunset, of course. Cameras were busy! |
At the business meeting Don Stone was reelected president, Bob Holmes was elected vice president and Roger Lynch continued his term as secretary/treasurer. To avoid conflict with EOD reunions, it was decided to hold FO/UWSS reunions on odd numbered years instead of even number years. The members unanimously decided on a return to Key West in 2007. Our featured speaker at the banquet was Clell Breining, Force Master Chief of Navy Special Warfare. |
The group photo shows as many as we could round up at one time. |