Reunion 2004, Coronado California, got off to a great start with “Lunch with the Shark” at Consolidated Divers Unit. and a tour of CDU. The group enjoyed seeing both the historic displays and the modern equipment.
At the business meeting A.Dee Clark was elected Vice President,  Roger Lynch,  Secretary/Treasurer and Don Stone, President. Key West, Florida was chosen as the location of the 2006 reunion

The icebreaker Friday evening, the business  meeting Saturday morning, and the banquet Satuday evening were held in the Amphibious Room at Club Coronado. Banquet speakers were Jim Tucker, UWSS plankowner, Mark Hoffer, UWSS medical officer,  and Linda Hubbell, first female Navy diving officer. A highlight of the reunion was a visit to Navy Special Warfare Group 3 on Saturday. An outstanding presentation by Cmd Rick May was followed by a tour of the boats.